What our bootcamp participants say ❤️
Our bootcamp participants are truly the wind beneath our sails. The new habits and behaviour changes that they have accomplished keep us motivated and thrilled beyond words.
Here is what our amazing participants think about HabitStrong bootcamps.
Become A Morning Person

Beginning his day early was a challenging situation for Pranav. He had emotional distress after the lockdown, he was stressed and anxious.
To solve this problem, he joined Become a Morning Person bootcamp. He is now delighted that he is able to keep things on track by making small lifestyle changes on a daily basis, using techniques he learnt from the bootcamp.
Read Pranav’s note here.
Pranav Patel
(Vice president,MSCI)

Alakh Sethi struggled to prepare for competitive exams due to unhealthy habits. To kick these bad habits, he joined HabitStrong Become a Morning Person bootcamp.
The bootcamp changed things significantly for him. It helped not just in overcoming bad habits but also in cultivating some positive life-changing habits.
Read Alakh’s note here.
Alakh Sethi
(Data science intern)

Pavitra was a night person. During the pandemic, her sleep cycle went from bad to worse. The inability to effectively manage her time became a problem in both her personal and professional life.
She enrolled in the Become a Morning Person bootcamp in order to break this habit. By using productivity techniques that she learned from the bootcamp, her days are now more productive.
Pavithra Bhaskaran
(Consultant, Zinnov Management Consulting)

Rohan wanted to change his daily schedule. He signed up for the HabitStrong Become a Morning Person bootcamp to better organize his day.
He is extremely happy that simple guidelines from the bootcamp helped him get a good start on the day and establish a healthy sleep cycle.
Rohan Kamat
(Senior creative McCann worldwide)

Subhashree Shekar was caught in an endless cycle of bad habits and sluggishness all day. She experienced a lack of productivity, difficulty concentrating and was easily sidetracked by various things.
Then she registered for the Become a Morning Person bootcamp with HabitStrong to trigger a change. Her life has now significantly improved as a result of the daily routine of journaling and meditation. She has gained a newfound confidence and optimism.
Subhashree Shekar
(Senior Business Transformation Consultant,IBM)

Abinav used to be an erratic person who got up late every day. He developed unhealthy habits and lacked motivation as a result of this routine. At that time he realized that he wanted to get his life back on track.
He signed up for the bootcamp to Become a Morning Person. The bootcamp’s rules and techniques assisted him in gaining control of his day. He is now ecstatic that he has more energy and motivation which lasts throughout the day.
Abhinav Mishra
(Preparing for civil services)

Manu Rathee remembers struggling to maintain control over her day-to-day activities. Time to accept new assignments was limited. She joined HabitStrong because of this problem. She started by enrolling in the Become a Morning Person bootcamp in order to establish a healthy morning routine and gain control over her day.
She later enrolled in the Win Your Day, Reboot – Digital Detox, Gamechanger, and Extreme Focused Learning bootcamps as well. She is now happy and confident that she can devote more time to cognitively demanding tasks with greater efficiency and sharper focus.
Manu Rathee
(Dental Specialist)
Deep Work & Flow

Here, Ms. Rashi Bhargava reveals her experience with the Deep Work and Flow bootcamp.
Using the promodoro technique allowed Rashi to reduce distractions and concentrate on the task at hand. She is extremely pleased and thanks the HabitStrong team for the productivity tips.
Read Rashi’s note here.
Rashi Bhargava
(Personal finance professional)

Naved Ahmed shares his experience with HabitStrong. He used to follow the Pomodoro technique before, so he was aware of its benefits. He joined the Deep Work & Flow bootcamp to build daily deep work sessions as a habit.
Read Naved’s note here.
Naved Ahmed
(Project control professional)

Viswanath says that with the Deep Work and Flow bootcamp method, anyone can enjoy their work and experience the flow state.
He has put the bootcamp techniques into practice in a simple and seamless manner, in his own life.
Viswanath Subramaniam
(Senior Director, Happiest Minds Technologies)

When working on an important project, Vishnu noticed a problem. He was inconsistent and unable to focus on the tasks at hand. To overcome this problem, he enrolled in the Deep Work and Flow bootcamp.
After taking the steps that the bootcamp taught him, Vishnu has seen changes in his life. Currently, he is able to work with full focus and consistency on his tasks.
Vishnu Khatri
(Principal Software Engineer)

Mitul was unable to concentrate on his work and was easily distracted by a variety of online activities and apps. He was inconsistent, which affected both his personal and professional life.
To address this issue, he enrolled in HabitStrong’s Deep Work & Flow bootcamp, Reboot – Digital Detox bootcamp, and some other bootcamps as well. The principles he learned from these bootcamps helped him manage his time and attention, and get work done much faster. He was also able to lose 10 kg by exercising with proper time management.
Mitul Agrawal
(Senior Consultant (PWC US))

When Apoorba Kumar joined HabitStrong, he had a problem. He couldn’t concentrate and was easily distracted by unimportant activities, which sapped his energy and reduced his output.
After joining the Reboot – Digital Detox and Deep Work & Flow bootcamps, he is now able to handle all distractions and has tripled his productivity. Both bootcamps helped him create a brighter and more promising future for himself and those around him. Apart from the productivity boost, he’s grateful that now he gets to spend quality time with his family without constantly getting distracted.
Apoorba Kumar Patranabish
(Director, Grant Thornton Bharat)
Reboot – Digital Detox & Rebuilding Focus

Saju was searching for a solution to stop being distracted by technology. He signed up for the 4-week HabitStrong Reboot – Digital Detox BootCamp.
Using the techniques that he picked up from the bootcamp, he now has more time to engage in good habits rather than spend time on social media. These habits have proved to be beneficial not just for him, but also to his entire family.
Read Saju’s note here.
Saju Govindhan Namboothiri
(CEO, Asimov Robotics)

Akhilesh was always using his smartphone, and he was constantly tempted to check his social media apps. This behaviour has had a negative impact on his life. To break the habit, he enrolled in Reboot – Digital Detox bootcamp.
The bootcamp assisted him in gaining control of his mobile addiction. Now he is more conscious of his actions when using the technology. He feels this digital detox bootcamp is a true blessing.
Read Akhilesh’s note here.
Akhilesh U
(IT professional)

Shubhodaye was a smartphone junkie. She was addicted to video games and spent a lot of time watching Netflix series. This behavior had a serious impact on her life.
She enrolled in Reboot – Digital Detox bootcamp and started practising digital fasting.The bootcamp techniques have helped her make considered choices about smartphone usage rather than just get sucked in.
Read Shubhodaye’s note here.
Shubhodaye HG
(Software tester)

Nimisha was a total smartphone addict. Spending an entire day, especially on social media apps, for no real reason. Her physical and mental health were impacted by these habits. She tried a variety of methods to break the habit but failed.
Then she enrolled in the HabitStrong Reboot – Digital Detox bootcamp. With the help of a strict schedule and habit tracking, she has established a number of healthy habits and improved her level of concentration.
Nimisha Pankaj
(Senior media designer)

Pragyam is a student preparing for Civil Service. He was a smartphone junkie. He felt that his memory had deteriorated, and he was unable to concentrate.
Since joining the Reboot – Digital Detox bootcamp, he is now happy that he has regained his ability to study for an extended period of time without getting distracted.
Pragyam Maheshwari
(Preparing for Civil Service)

Siddhartha joined HabitStrong to improve his digital habits and focus, both of which were critical in his work as a researcher. He first enrolled in the Deep Work & Flow bootcamp and the Reboot – Digital Detox bootcamp. With the help of the principles he learned from the bootcamps, he was able to improve his focus and build positive digital habits.
Siddhartha Gupta

Karthikeyan used to get easily distracted by his phone and struggled with concentration. His personal and professional life suffered as a result.
He completely changed his life with the support of the Reboot – Digital Detox bootcamp, which helped him overcome his smartphone addiction and drastically improve his time management and productivity.
Karthikeyan P
(Senior Machine Learning Engineer)
Extreme Focused Learning

Aravind is enthusiastic about learning. But with a full-time job, he found it difficult to manage his study time. He always kept procrastinating.
For external support, he joined HabitStrong’s Extreme Focused Learning bootcamp. Putting the bootcamp techniques into practice and with the accountability that it brought, he became more focused and his goals were also completed on time.
Aravind has since then taken part in a number of other bootcamps.
Aravind K R
(Graduate student)

Divyanish, a 13-year-old student, used to be inattentive in his classes.
After learning the techniques at the Extreme Focused Learning bootcamp, he was able to increase his focus. He easily completed the exam portions well on time.
Read Divyanish’s note here.

Manish Walia joined HabitStrong to prepare for the CISSP exam. He needed to improve his concentration and do well in his exams. He joined the Extreme Focused Learning bootcamp.
The bootcamp assisted him in getting into the flow state and crushing his learning objectives. He is very pleased that proper time management and other techniques he learned at the bootcamp helped him to pass the exam.
Read Manish’s note here.
Manish Walia
(BFSI,Barclays PLC)

Srihari frequently procrastinated when completing tasks. To address this issue, he attended the Extreme Focused Learning bootcamp.
His ability to concentrate on his work and studies has improved with the help of bootcamp techniques. He is now grateful that the bootcamp’s steps eliminated all of his resistance to work.
Read Srihari’s note here.
Srihari Thota
(Sales executive, Pfizer)

Suhas enrolled in Extreme Focused Learning bootcamp to complete a course in which he had been enrolled for seven long months, but never completed. Through the bootcamp, he completed the course and got his certification.
He feels that his professional and personal life has improved by applying the concepts he learnt in the bootcamp. He can now concentrate and complete his tasks quickly. Following his enrollment in the learning bootcamp, he has completed numerous courses.
Suhaas Kulkarni
(Managing Director, DKSH Indonesia)

Umesh is a yoga enthusiast pursuing a Master’s degree in yoga. With a full-time job, he was struggling to manage his studies. He registered for Extreme Focused Learning bootcamp during this time.
Umesh feels that by applying the rules he learnt in the bootcamp, he has become more disciplined and has stopped his previous habit of rushing at the last minute. He’s now consistent in devoting time for his studies.
Umesh Chandwani
(Principal Consultant)

Debmalya joined HabitStrong at a tough time in his life. For a long time, he struggled to stay focused. To address this issue, Debmalya enrolled in our bootcamps, beginning with Deep Work & Flow bootcamp and progressing to Extreme Focused Learning bootcamp, and implemented what he learned in these sessions in his daily life.
Debmalya is extremely happy that he can now take on more responsibility and focus for extended periods of time without interruption. He is more mindful now and has much better clarity of thought.
Debmalya Chandra
(Software Engineering Manager)

Amartya had a problem with focusing and managing his time effectively. His day began late, impacting both his personal and professional time. He enrolled in the GameChanger bootcamp to break this unhealthy behavior.
The techniques from the bootcamp assisted him in changing his daily routine and establishing new habits. His newfound ability to finish tasks on time and accomplish his personal goals has made him happy in both his personal and professional lives. By making a daily task list, he is able to better manage his time and get a headstart on the day.
Amartya Mandal
(Data Scientist)

Allwin is the founder of pagalguy.com. He was always a night owl. He wanted to get up early, but ended up waking up late. He couldn’t reserve time for himself because of his busy schedule.
Following his participation in the HabitStrong GameChanger Bootcamp, his day began very early, allowing him to devote time to exercise and meditation. The bootcamp assisted him in completing the courses that he had procrastinated on for years.
Allwin Agnel

Deepa’s work involves learning. But ironically, she was unable to concentrate or learn. During this time, she felt the need for some assistance.
She first attended the Deep Work & Flow Bootcamp, followed by the GameChanger and Become a Morning Person bootcamps. She can see significant improvements in her life after implementing the techniques taught at the bootcamps. She is now delighted that she has mastered the skill of completing all her tasks on time.
Deepa Kirana
(Technical writer)
Win Your Day

Yash used to be unable to wake up on time and did not follow a specific routine. His habits negatively impact both his personal and professional lives. He struggled to focus on his work.
Yash then enrolled in the Win Your Day bootcamp and began incorporating the principles and techniques he learnt into his day-to-day activities. He is delighted now that he starts his day early with journaling and meditation. Focus sprints helped him with prioritizing the right tasks at the right time, which has immensely helped his professional life.
Yash Bherumal Lakhani
(Senior Strategy Manager)

Anjali is an active person who takes great pride in her work. She joined HabitStrong bootcamps because she was struggling to manage her time and set priorities effectively.
Anjali is a participant of several bootcamps and she has applied the lessons to her daily life. The fact that she can now complete her work much more quickly makes her very happy. Additionally, she has cultivated the habit of journaling every day and has discovered the value of being appreciative of her life. She has also become a fitness enthusiast as she’s now able to set aside an appropriate time for exercise.
Anjali Rajvanshi
(Senior Learning Design Consultant)

Parag used to struggle with time management, both personally and professionally. He found it challenging to focus on crucial tasks because he was frequently sidetracked by unimportant activities.
To deal with this problem, he enrolled in the HabitStrong Win Your Day bootcamp. He started noticing the changes in himself after just a couple of days. He has now changed from being a night owl to an early riser and has developed the daily practice of meditation. His level of productivity in the workplace has increased with deep work. The capacity to balance work and family time has made him a much happier person.
Parag Raipuria
(Lead Business Analyst)