Before you quit your job and become an entrepreneur to earn untold riches, please read this story.
In the early 2000s, when I was serving as the Trivandrum Police Commissioner, my office staff one day asked me, ‘Sir, can we send our office jeep to police stations for salary payments?’
I was perplexed – Why would they need a jeep for salary disbursal?
It turned out that the salary of much of the police constabulary was disbursed in cash – an armed police jeep literally went from one police station to the next, handing out cash.
Now, why is this remarkable?
Despite heading the City Police, I had no idea where the money came from. Somehow, magically, we all got our salaries every month.
When you are in a job, there is always a corporate or government treasury to take care of the salaries. But when you are an entrepreneur, YOU are the treasury.
The untold riches may or may not come. The five rounds of VC funding may or may not happen. But one thing is certain – the 1st of every month, the salaries will be due, come what may. No jeep will come from the treasury to relieve you of your burden. That burden is solely yours.
That is entrepreneurship.