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How to break phone addictions

Your smartphone is useful but dangerously addictive. And every day, we are sucked into it for hours on end not because we love it, but because we think we have no choice. We often assume that we only have two options: Give up our phones, OR Use the...

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Most of us suck at managing our time. And here is the biggest mistake we make — we try really hard to finish our to-do list. When that does not...

How to NOT quit

You can’t sustain a habit unless you learn how to NOT quit. We rarely quit because we decided to. Instead, this is what happens: 1. After sticking...


In a project at McKinsey, I was loving it totally until I started hating it. At that time, I had joined the Firm just a few months ago. And when the...

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How to sustain habits?

In 2009, when I quit McKinsey, I was at my unhealthiest. For the previous 10 years, through various jobs and my MBA, I had worked long back-breaking hours and had stopped exercising. On top of that, I was chronically sleep-deprived. I was so unfit...

Carve your own path

One of my best friends had joined the 5-year MSc Physics program at IIT Kanpur. He loved physics but his parents were very unhappy with his decision. They considered a science degree sub-par even though the physics program at IITK was highly...

Motivation is not the same as excitement.

I am not always excited about building my startup. But does that mean I am not motivated? Of course, I am. Motivation is not the same as excitement. Excitement is a temporary feeling that changes hour to hour. Motivation is the steady, underlying...

How to overcome stress?

How to overcome stress: 1. Whatever be the reason behind the stress, it manifests in your body by activating your Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS). 2. Once your SNS is activated, blood is diverted from the peripheral parts of the body to your big...

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