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The Power of Analytical Thinking

As a consultant with McKinsey, one of my projects was to advise a Fortune 500 healthcare company on whether to launch a new service line. And here was the funny part -- the company had already done the study they hired us for! They had put two...

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The Realities of Careers

Job loss is not a blot on your career. It is an unfortunate feature of the free market economy. Gaps in your resume are also not a blot on your...

Life is an opportunity

When I was leaving my job at McKinsey after a relatively short stint of 18 months, a classmate remarked that I was being hasty – in the initial few...

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Most of us suck at managing our time. And here is the biggest mistake we make — we try really hard to finish our to-do list. When that does not happen, we get frustrated and blame ourselves for being lazy. In fact, we feel absolutely certain that...

How to NOT quit

You can’t sustain a habit unless you learn how to NOT quit. We rarely quit because we decided to. Instead, this is what happens: 1. After sticking to a habit for a few days or weeks, for whatever reason, the streak breaks. For a few days or weeks,...


In a project at McKinsey, I was loving it totally until I started hating it. At that time, I had joined the Firm just a few months ago. And when the project started, there was so much to do that my manager gave everybody full autonomy. I did my own...

You don’t need a billion

After reading about some unicorn founders recently indulging in financial fraud, I was wondering, what prompts such highly accomplished people to do that? One reason is that we have glorified unlimited greed. Today, it is not enough to have 10...

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