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Job-Hopping vs. Staying Long-Term

At an investment fund I worked with, one of my bosses (Victor Menezes) did something remarkable — after graduating from MIT’s MBA program, he never changed jobs. He worked at the same firm (Citi) all his life, becoming the global CEO of Citibank,...

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Improve your self

There is a lot of nonsense out there about self-improvement. You will hear pseudo-scientific things like ‘manifestation’, ‘law of attraction’, and...

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Zero-sum mindset

During my MBA, I saw some people who would go to any length to hide which companies they were interviewing with for a job. Their fear was that others would also apply for the same job and wreck their chances. Of course, one could probably argue...


Last year, during one of our bootcamps, a participant shared that her company had installed a software on the company laptop to track whether they were actively working or not. Apparently, if they did not move the mouse every few minutes, the...

Build Trust

During my training at the National Police Academy, I noticed these photos of National Security Guard commandos (‘black cat ’ commandos) shooting at small circular cardboard targets held by their colleagues. If they missed their aim even by a few...

Every experience is unique

I joined my first job (Indian Police Service) in my early twenties and was among the younger officers. I joined my second job (McKinsey) in my mid-thirties and was among the older lot in my batch. Does it mean I was successful the first time and a...

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