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Overcoming perfectionism

Procrastination is NOT laziness. And unless we understand this, we can't fix our procrastination problem. We procrastinate when we don't know how to handle the negative emotions generated by a task (e.g., anxiety). We then avoid working on a task...

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Embrace Unsettled Paths

When I graduated from IIT in 1995, I was expecting to soon figure out my life and my career, and quickly 'settle down'. I then joined the Indian...

Start with one habit

Recently, I was talking to a friend in the gym, who looks fabulously fit, having shed 12 kgs of flab. And here is what he said: ‘Earlier, I really...

We live only once

I had a boss in the Indian Police Service, who played safe all his life – he never took a bold stand, nor did he ever uphold any principles. His...

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Your Job Isn’t Fixing People

Everywhere in life, you will come across these negative people – the excuse-makers, the fault finders, the folks who see something bad in everyone/everything and pick up fights. They believe that everything wrong in their life is someone else’s...

Improve your self

There is a lot of nonsense out there about self-improvement. You will hear pseudo-scientific things like ‘manifestation’, ‘law of attraction’, and stuff like that. Just a reminder – we don’t need any pseudo-science when we can just as easily change...

Our actions determines our destiny

A few years ago, in my previous startup (ConceptOwl), at one point, our app was practically unusable – it was that slow! We did not have a proper CTO and no matter how hard the tech team tried, they couldn’t fix the problem. I then asked my...

Life is all about setting expectations

On day 1 of a project at McKinsey, during the kick-off team meeting, one guy said, “I will not touch my laptop on weekends.” He explained that he was divorced and got custody of his daughter only on weekends. So work was out of bounds as he wanted...

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