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How to rise up the leadership ladder

If you want to rapidly rise up the leadership ladder, these are the things to do: Don’t wait for people to tell you what to do. Identify problems or areas where can you contribute and then offer specific help. Take responsibility, even if small...

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Distraction = Death

I once thought that the biggest harm from digital distraction (e.g., WhatsApp, Instagram, etc.) was the wastage of time. It is like saying that...


One of my past bosses had a very clear metric to evaluate your commitment – how long you sat in the office at night. In fact, he himself used to sit...

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Embrace Unsettled Paths

When I graduated from IIT in 1995, I was expecting to soon figure out my life and my career, and quickly 'settle down'. I then joined the Indian Police Service, the ultimate platform for 'settling down'. It was such a stable and predictable job...

Engage your mind, even complex concepts become clear

I often feel that I wasted my four years at IIT. But I sometimes wonder if it was not a total waste. In many of the courses I did, the math was so dense that you had no idea what was going on. For 90% of the semester, I would just be going through...

Start with one habit

Recently, I was talking to a friend in the gym, who looks fabulously fit, having shed 12 kgs of flab. And here is what he said: ‘Earlier, I really struggled to eat healthy. But now that I have started working out, I automatically eat healthier and...

We live only once

I had a boss in the Indian Police Service, who played safe all his life – he never took a bold stand, nor did he ever uphold any principles. His only goal was to please his bosses and take the easy way out. Nobody respected him – I certainly did...

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