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Stop planning, start doing

I have seen people adopt two distinct approaches when they want to start meditating: Approach 1: Sit down and meditate. Approach 2: Research lots and lots of meditation techniques (and do nothing). In fact, this holds for everything in life. If you...

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When I quit my last job to become an entrepreneur, I could no longer afford my house rent. So I moved into a place with half the rent. Later I moved...

Morning Habits Matter

“You want to change the world? Start by making your bed” – famously spoke Admiral Bill McRaven, the former head of US special operations command....

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Life is an experience

If you ever feel guilty about not figuring out your career path quickly, please take heart – I graduated more than two decades ago, and I still feel like I am just exploring life. Maybe some of us take more time than others. Or maybe we are all...

Reclaim your life

I know you love your smartphone more than you should -- but this is not your fault really. Between 2010 and 2012, Facebook made two changes that kicked off our smartphone addiction. Here they are: 1. Before 2010, everybody on Facebook had a ‘wall.’...

What truly changes our life?

At my last job with a private equity firm, we had retreats at some really fancy hotels. At one of them, as part of the ‘evening service,’ the hotel staff would leave an array of small perfume bottles on the bed to help you sleep better. For sure,...

Patience Nurtures Competence

On day 1 of my first job with the Indian Police Service – I was quite useless. I had some theoretical knowledge of law enforcement but I am pretty sure I was good for nothing. But people tolerated me and with time and exposure, I learned. The same...

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