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Choose a job that aligns with your life

When I decided to leave consulting and join private equity, my biggest consideration was not money — instead, I wanted my life back. I wanted to rediscover my health and peace of mind. I wanted to see the sunset and sunrise, at least on some days....

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The Sleep Deprivation

I fear that lack of sleep is killing people. We lost a security guard at our apartment, who died of a heart attack. Barely 52, he was very gentle...

Live Fully, Worry Less

If I could go back and change one thing about my professional journey, it would be this – I would worry less and live more. For most of my life, I...

Simple Yet Profound

When Sharon Salzberg, a renowned meditation teacher, came to India in 1970 looking for a solution to her life’s suffering, she was very...

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Simple things that really work

Whatever little goodness I have in my life, I owe it to simple, straightforward habits. All the fancy-sounding self-help formulas, often using terms like ‘energy’, ‘vibrations’, and ‘consciousness’, are mostly nonsense. As an example, when I woke...

Pace Yourself for Depth

Many years ago, a fund manager met me to discuss a company I happened to be familiar with. Before the meeting, he told me, “I am a little slow. Could you share a short note on the company that I can read at my own pace, so I come prepared for the...

Fitness and Health

During the offsite at the private equity firm I worked with, there was this German guy who was kicking the football like a rocket. Trying to catch up with him left us gasping for air – not one of us could outrun him. And while we were in our...

Perfectionism Hinders Progress

You don’t quit building good habits because you are inconsistent or weak-willed – more likely, you quit because of perfectionism. When you are building a habit streak, you want it to be perfect. But once in a while, life will get in the way – be it...

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