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The right kind of smartness in business

At the Berkshire Hathway annual meeting, (the late) Charlie Munger said, "We are not that smart but we kind of know the edge of our smartness. But a lot of people who are geniuses, think they are a lot smarter than they are. What they are, is...

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A good human being

Here is a fascinating experiment involving split-brain patients, whose left brain cannot communicate with the right brain. Whenever we see something...

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The Leadership Principle

Since it is impossible to not see Elon Musk in your online feeds, yesterday, I saw a photo of him sleeping on the Tesla factory floor in his sleeping bag. And this, I thought, was real leadership. While I sometimes cringe at some of his actions...


You are focused or distracted due to two networks in your brain -- 1. The Default Mode Network (DMN) -- it makes your mind wander, e.g., when reading a book or when sitting idly. 2. The Dorsal Attention Network (DAN) -- it enables you to...

Recipe for happiness

If you have wondered why some people seem naturally happier than others, here is what research says: 1. 50% of our happiness is genetic. 2. 40% of it comes from intentional activity -- i.e., how we spend our time. 3. Only 10% comes from life...

Everybody’s path is different

A few years ago, I was at IIT Kanpur to give a talk. As I was waiting for my event, speaking on the stage was a renowned entrepreneur who has built a multi-billion dollar company from scratch. While he was talking, quite unexpectedly, the students...

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