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Why AI alone won’t build your career

Unpopular opinion: Knowing how to use AI, by itself, will NOT build you a great career. Here is why. Technology makes you more efficient -- no question about it. But when EVERYONE is using the same technology, everybody's efficiency goes up...

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Why we need to meditate

Why should we meditate? If it was truly beneficial, would evolution have not predisposed us to do that? After all, our ancestors in Savannah surely...

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Relish the journey

The Bhagwad Gita’s principal message can be very confusing. It exhorts, "Do your duty, but do not concern yourself with the results." So we are asked to not desire the end outcome. But how can we pursue goals without that? In fact, the Buddha also...

India deserves decent winners and decent losers, not conmen

Two years ago, a dotcom investor funded a serial entrepreneur to the tune of more than 200 cr and lost it promptly in less than a year. That begs the question -- what did the investor see in the entrepreneur? A great idea? A track record of solid...

Meditation: a great tool to rewire habits and traits

“Each of you is perfect the way you are ... and you can use a little improvement.” ― Shunryu Suzuki This seemingly self-contradictory Zen quote summarizes how we should live life. While it could be interpreted in many ways, here is my take on it....

Why we suffer pain twice

I was listening to meditation teacher Larry Rosenberg's audiobook 'Breath by breath', in which he relates this story. He was attending a 3-month Zen meditation retreat in Asia. After 45 days, the Zen master running the retreat made a surprise...

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