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Resume can’t substitute for competence
In my consulting days, one of my managers had built a unique personal brand -- he loved all-nighters and had an aversion to sleep. He was known as an 'intense' person but I soon found that his intensity boiled down to only one thing -- staying late...
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Your brand is your story
You are already a brand. Your brand is the way you write and talk. It is how you tell your stories. It is your thought clarity and the values your...
How to break out of a stable equilibrium
If you practice anything for, say 10,000 hrs, you will become world-class. Right? Wrong. You probably already know people who have been playing...
Life is complicated
The performance reviews are done. And you get an email announcing a big fat bonus. Yay! Then you hear the news – your colleague got 30% more! Now...
Meditation is being fully present
While you ruminate about your past mistakes and worry about the troubles likely to befall you, the tea in front of you is getting cold. Drink that...
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Happiness fuels productivity
Once when I was returning home after a long trip, to surprise my daughter, I bought her a Nintendo game console (it used to be quite popular then). Also, I bought a bunch of other stuff. So when I reached home and showed her the Nintendo game, she...
The only real failure is arrogance
In my last startup, after a marketing campaign, we were speculating about how many users we would acquire. Our guess waned between 2,000 and 4,000 users. Do you know how many we actually got? One. Yes -- one, not 1,000. And this was not a random...
Never jump the gun
When Byju's acquired White Hat Jr for $300 million, folks on LinkedIn went crazy. "Good Lord -- how could someone create so much value in just 18 months?" Today, the company is losing more than Rs 1,000 crores a year. And I won't even get into the...
Break free from superstitions
Do you know that even the world's top footballers have their superstitions? Superstitions are psychological defense mechanisms that give a sense of safety (albeit a misplaced one). Let us say a footballer plays a wonderful match, where he scores...