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Weird Times Ahead: The AI Takeover

It is soon going to get very weird. And we are not realizing it. A small gang of people, probably based in Silicon Valley, will increasingly have so much concentrated wealth and influence that in comparison, today's world may look like a socialist...

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Life is complex

The following have a common underlying causative factor: 1. Vulnerability to cults and conspiracy theories. 2. Fundamentalism – religious,...

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Time is limited

If you write 10 emails a day, every week, you send out 50 emails. In 2 years, you would have written 5000 emails. In the amount of time it takes to write 5000 emails, you can write a small book. And while the emails have a shelf life of one day,...

The life starts again

If you flip a regular coin 10 times, on average, you expect 5 heads and 5 tails. But what if the first 9 coin throws all show up 'heads'? Now you are down to the 10th throw. What would you predict? Our gut will very strongly suggest 'tails.' But...

Productivity is not a race

Productivity = Doing the maximum no. of to-dos in the shortest time. Wrong. This is a seductive but nonsensical idea. Every day, ideally, only one or two things should be your real priorities -- these have to be done at any cost. E.g., my priority...

Action beats rumination

I have often seen people say, "I have no regrets." Sadly, I am not like them. I have a lot of regrets, big and small. In fact, I find regrets unavoidable. After all, as long as you live, you will make mistakes and do stupid things. That is what...

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