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25-Minute Focus: Feasible or Myth?

My friend Vinod Thomas recently told me that while I keep talking about doing 25-minute focus sprints (pomodoros), even focusing intensely for 5 minutes is hard. And Vinod is one of the smartest people I know. So is 25 min of focus feasible or is...

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Goal-Driven Focus

If you want to have unwavering focus but have struggled to achieve it, this Buddhist story has an answer. Once a king gave one of his subjects a...

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Why You Should Build Habits

Even after running for a decade, my 10km morning run today felt just as hard. But then, should habitual actions not become effortless? Why bother building a habit if the task is going to still feel hard? Because even though I find running hard, my...

VVIP Visits: Hindering Disaster Relief

Unpopular opinion: VVIPs visiting sites of accidents and natural disasters is counterproductive. It looks good on cameras but it actually hurts relief and rescue. VVIP visits distract officials, who, instead of doing relief and rescue, have to:...

Action Converts Potential Into Reality

You have potential. So do I. But even a rock sitting on a hilltop has potential energy. Yet, there is nothing it can do until it starts rolling down the hill. Movement unleashes the rock's potential energy. Our potential is very much like that....

The Truth About Jobs and Entrepreneurship

"9-to-5 jobs are slavery. You work on someone else's dream -- and have no freedom, no flexibility. It is a shitty life. "I was also like that once. But look at me now! I quit my job and work a few hours a day. And I earn a 7-figure income, live on...

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