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Everybody’s path is different

A few years ago, I was at IIT Kanpur to give a talk. As I was waiting for my event, speaking on the stage was a renowned entrepreneur who has built a multi-billion dollar company from scratch. While he was talking, quite unexpectedly, the students...

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Distraction = Death

Distraction = Death

Distraction is death. It’s a bold statement, I know. But there’s a reason why I say it. Read the article to find out more.

Why does the glass appear half empty?

The story of 20-year-old Joe Dimeo receiving the world’s first face and hand transplant got me thinking about how lucky we all are to have our health, yet we do not realize it. Is your glass half full or half-empty?

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The Price Of Freedom

If someone does a 6 hour Netflix binge and feels great about it even a week or month later, then in my opinion, he is doing ok. Maybe, he should do more of that. I may not agree with his choice, but I don’t have the right to judge his choices just...

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