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Action beats rumination

I have often seen people say, "I have no regrets." Sadly, I am not like them. I have a lot of regrets, big and small. In fact, I find regrets unavoidable. After all, as long as you live, you will make mistakes and do stupid things. That is what...

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Time matters

When I see ads saying "Learn to build a website in 5 minutes" or "Learn XYZ in 10 minutes", I often wonder, what is the big rush? Do we have only...

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Learn to say NO also

In the 8 odd years I spent in the Indian Police Service, I hardly saw anyone saying 'No, sir.' The 'Yes, sir' behavior went all the way to the top. In fact, a junior IPS officer might still occasionally say 'no.' But often, the top brass would not...

Digital addictions and loss of focus

Digital distraction is the new diabetes. And it is no less deadly. Let me explain. Diabetes, obesity, and hypertension happen for a simple reason: A million years ago, in the forests, sugar, fat, and high-calorie food were life-savers for our...

Circumstances do matter

Two decades ago, along with a small group of policemen, I was chasing an elephant that had run amok. At that time, I was posted as an Assistant Superintendent of Police in south Kerala. Traditionally, in Kerala, elephants are extensively used for...

Stop looking for hacks

There is no hack to become rich or fit or well-read. There is no viral hack for your marketing. There is no easy way to master any subject or become an accomplished musician or a standout athlete. In short, there are no shortcuts. Of course, some...

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