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Reclaim our joy and peace

"There is no peace that lives within us constantly and never leaves us. There is only the peace that must be won again and again, each new day of our lives.” -- Herman Hesse Sometimes, we get frustrated that we are not always calm and joyful. We...

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Are you learning daily?

A McKinsey colleague once told me a funny yet sad story of this old lady working at a client company. He had to meet her a few times with some data requests. Since she used to always appear busy and overworked, he asked her what her job was. Turns...

A lesson in focus from the army

Here is a powerful lesson in focus and getting things done, from an age-old army tactic - 'bayonet-charge'. During a bayonet charge, army units are trained to scream their war cry like maniacs. Why is that? Because if they attacked silently, the...

Read this before jumping into entrepreneurship

Before you quit your job and become an entrepreneur to earn untold riches, please read this story. In the early 2000s, when I was serving as the Trivandrum Police Commissioner, my office staff one day asked me, 'Sir, can we send our office jeep to...

Hit hard – don’t dilute your words with fillers

Do you know why instead of hitting hard, our words come out limp? Because we sabotage ourselves. We dilute our speech with fillers like "Umm, Uuuu, Right, Basically, Actually, You Know." I have myself used enough fillers for one lifetime. When we...

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