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The life starts again

If you flip a regular coin 10 times, on average, you expect 5 heads and 5 tails. But what if the first 9 coin throws all show up 'heads'? Now you are down to the 10th throw. What would you predict? Our gut will very strongly suggest 'tails.' But...

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The price of power

Leadership carries a price-tag: When the first bullet is fired, you have to be willing to face it before putting others in the line. Also, you never...

Meditation is a long road

Meditation is not an ATM, where you swipe your card (i.e., spend 20 min) and expect 'blissful calm' to come out gushing. This is one reason so many...

Would you swap your life?

"Would you swap your life with that of an 80-year-old billionaire?"  Almost any sensible youngster will respond to this question with an emphatic...

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Tolerance for sloppiness

After graduation, one of my IIT buddies, a mechanical engineer, took up a job at a large auto manufacturer in India.  Once he joined the manufacturing plant, he saw that they did not have too much respect for precision. If some part of the car...

The trail of envy

I live in a private residential complex owned by a group of IAS/IPS officers in Kerala. And when these IAS officers retire, often as the Chief Secretary (the highest rank in the state government), almost all of them take some post-retirement gig...


Addiction is the inability to control our urge for something that we know is harmful and leaves us dissatisfied. The more we use it, the more desensitized we become and need higher doses to get the same high. All smartphone users - does it ring a...

Life is full of beauty

The most enjoyable course I took during my MBA at Wharton was taught not by a professor, but by a librarian. In the final semester of the MBA, no more under any pressure, I took a course outside the business school with the University of...

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