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Time is limited

If you write 10 emails a day, every week, you send out 50 emails. In 2 years, you would have written 5000 emails. In the amount of time it takes to write 5000 emails, you can write a small book. And while the emails have a shelf life of one day,...

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Carve your own path

The best course I did at IIT was not from Electrical Engg but humanities. In those days, the humanities course allotment was done...

It’s okay to be unhappy

Sometimes, we are unhappy about being unhappy. Some of us might be thinking: "Everybody else looks so cheerful -- why do I go through these ups and...

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The price of power

Leadership carries a price-tag: When the first bullet is fired, you have to be willing to face it before putting others in the line. Also, you never get to say -- "It was not my fault." Whether you are an army general, a captain of a ship, a CEO,...

Meditation is a long road

Meditation is not an ATM, where you swipe your card (i.e., spend 20 min) and expect 'blissful calm' to come out gushing. This is one reason so many of us give up on meditation when we don't get instant 'outcomes.' Meditation is a long road to...

Whatsapp & Slack addiction

In a 2014 study, Timothy Wilson of the University of Virginia left students in a room for 15 odd minutes with nothing to do (phones were taken away). But they could give themselves a painful electric shock.  Almost 67% of the men gave themselves...

Would you swap your life?

"Would you swap your life with that of an 80-year-old billionaire?"  Almost any sensible youngster will respond to this question with an emphatic 'no'. Yet, almost every few weeks, someone asks me this question: "How do I stop comparing myself with...

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