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Do the right thing

To put it politely – the startup world is messed up. Big time. And we need to fix it. In my last startup, when we were fundraising, we met a particularly aggressive (‘sharky’) investor. During our discussions, they constantly told us to follow the...

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Prioritize health

We know that we should all work out but what if you are working 12-16 hrs a day? I have been there and it is hard. Finding 30 minutes for a workout...

The art of writing

The skill that has served me the most in life is also the one I was never taught – ‘writing.’ In fact, most of us will probably never learn the...

The undivided attention

If you check out any video of Bill Clinton in a crowd, you will notice something remarkable. Whenever he shakes hands with a person, he gives that...

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Never trade self-respect for money

During my investing days, one of my portfolio companies was owned by a well-known politician. He was a very articulate guy, often seen on national TV debates. And his wife was the CEO of the company. This guy had a very progressive image but during...

Reclaim our joy and peace

"There is no peace that lives within us constantly and never leaves us. There is only the peace that must be won again and again, each new day of our lives.” -- Herman Hesse Sometimes, we get frustrated that we are not always calm and joyful. We...

The Power of Knowledge

In school, I hated biology with a passion. And once I decided to pursue engineering, I thought of the subject as a waste of time. But I was wrong. Today, for my startup HabitStrong, as I research neuroscience, psychology, and human behavior, I am...

Happiness: An Endless Chase

Vietnamese meditation master Thich Nhat Hanh said, “When you have a toothache you think that you will be happy when the toothache is gone. But when you don't have the toothache you are still not happy.” Because when the toothache goes, something...

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