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Life will never be perfect

When I went to Ahmedabad, I was a bit frustrated about how difficult it is to maintain your fitness routine when traveling. But I then remembered how Mr. Atul Karwal, my former training officer in the IPS, prepared for his Everest expedition right...

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The Rewards of Sacrifice

In my last job as a private equity investor, I came across many Indian entrepreneurs whose parents set up the business from scratch. I remember one...

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The power of communication beyond accents

During my MBA, McKinsey once visited our campus for a pre-placement talk. One of their consultants who addressed us was a South American with a very heavy Spanish accent. He joked saying, "Whenever people tell me that I don't have an American...

Flow and happiness through work

3 years ago, I experienced one of the happiest days of my life. And in case you are wondering what life-changing thing happened that day, the answer is -- nothing. All I was doing was teaching finance to a new class of investment bankers at...

Never underestimate any task

During my stint with the Indian Police Service, I handled a ton of riots, violent mobs, and civil disturbances. When you keep doing that day-in and day-out, naturally, the whole routine becomes quite familiar. Despite that, I would try to never...

Letting Go of Unhelpful Worrying: A Practical Guide

Is a 20 kg rucksack too heavy? Probably yes, but only if you carry it on your back. If you put it down, it has no weight at all. The same goes for our worries. We often carry way too much burden in our heads. Why not put them down? But this sounds...

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