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Embrace constraints
A McKinsey partner once told me about his niece who got a job offer as a management trainee from a world-leading healthcare company. This company had (and still has) a spectacular global brand, and is a market leader in many categories. And...
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The Corruption of Startups
Apparently, standing on the World Startup Convention stage in Noida, are not the investors from Sequoia or Accel, but cops from the Uttar Pradesh...
Weird Times Ahead: The AI Takeover
It is soon going to get very weird. And we are not realizing it. A small gang of people, probably based in Silicon Valley, will increasingly have so...
Small, intermediate wins can keep you going
Over the last year, after my parents moved in with us, I have been hounding my mother to go for a daily walk. She has put on a fair bit of weight,...
We learn to value things when we lose them
When I was a kid, we were living in a remote military station in Assam, surrounded by hills and jungle-like vegetation. In those days, power cuts...
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The Power of Vipassana
2,500 years ago, without fMRI machines, research labs, or any understanding of neuroscience, one man single-handedly figured out how to end all human suffering. The Buddha created the world's best mental health program. We now call it Vipaassana....
Knowledge is the ultimate leveler
The value of your college degree is like radioactive material with a half-life of about 3-4 years. So we cannot sit on our laurels and degrees. In 10 years (3 half-lives later), your degree's value would be down to about 10%. Ultimately, which...
Give your people the attention they deserve
Long ago, I was attending a conference on drug addiction, where they honored an Australian guy who had dedicated his life to helping people caught up in drug addiction. When he was asked to address the audience, he started out by listing all the...
There are no ‘others’, there is only ‘us’
Living in a country like the US, you come across people of every nationality. And one very interesting thing you find is that they all look different, and yet, they are all the same. Americans, Chinese, Indians, Vietnamese, Mexicans – they all talk...