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Can losing a job be an opportunity?

Can losing a job be an opportunity? I don't want to sugarcoat or give a feel-good answer. But let me share a few experiences. When I was running my last startup, the first Covid lockdown forced us to shut shop. Within a week, we had no business, no...

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Umbrella for stress

Early morning today, when I woke up, my head was buzzing with anxiety. It happens often but I was not too worried -- I knew what to do next. Within...

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Unlocking happiness with gratitude

In sixth grade, I started wearing glasses, and then began my nightmare. While playing, I would get sweaty and the glasses would keep slipping and falling, occasionally cracking the lens. Also, I would keep crushing and twisting them inadvertently...

Conquering with consistency

In my first year programming course in Pascal at IIT Kanpur, I learned a few life lessons -- some of which I regretted for a long time. In the first few weeks of the course, I paid little attention to the lectures. But as the dreaded mid-semester...

Mindset for accomplishment

In 2009, during my consulting days, a team member who was a former US Army officer, once casually told me that she would be running a marathon the coming weekend. Even though I had done long-distance runs, I used to think of a marathon as something...

Choosing to be grateful

I have never envied anyone more than this guy I met one evening in 2008, near New York City. He was the brother-in-law of a friend, who introduced us. This guy was the textbook definition of brilliance: Undergrad from Wharton, business analyst at...

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