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Focus on substance, not appearances

Many people find it quite jarring that I run HabitStrong out of Trivandrum. More than once, I have been advised to move my startup to Bangalore. Why? Because Bangalore just sounds a lot cooler and more ‘startup-like.’ This obsession with...

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Random chance

Once, during my stint with McKinsey, an HR recruiter from the New York office once asked me if I could help shortlist a few resumes for interviews....

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The path to greatness

Learning new skills is hard. Learning daily is hard. But you don't climb Mt. Everest by watching National Geographic. You get there by pushing yourself every day, for years. To do big things, we don't need one-day heroism -- we need to go through...

Focus on the Process

As a kid, during our train travels, when we got close to the destination, I would be constantly pestering my parents, "When will the station arrive?" And in that process, I would totally miss out on the fun of the journey or the beautiful scenery...

Be a good human being

There is no such thing as 'karma' - good deeds don't always generate tangible rewards. What goes around, need not come around. One might then ask: If good deeds don't create good karma, why should we do good things? Because they are 'good'; because...

Experience is overrated

When I first met my Inspector General of Police (IGP) after taking charge as Trivandrum Police Commissioner, he went on a rant. He said, "I don't know how the government posted you here and how you will handle such a tough assignment. This is...

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