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The Power of Simple Stories

In the summer of 2006, I was doing my summer internship with McKinsey in New York. My manager was an MD from a top medical school. One day, he and I were waiting for a cab to visit our client's office. Soon, a cab arrived. But before us, a woman...

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The price of privilege

In some ways, King Charles is quite lucky -- he has unimaginable wealth, privilege, and status (for no fault of his). But would you or I want to be...

Complacency kills

During my summer internship recruiting at Wharton, there was only one consulting job interview I bombed. And it also happened to be the easiest one....

The cost of addiction

Anna Lembke, a psychiatrist and the author of 'Dopamine Nation,' said that the most bizarre addiction she had come across was, shockingly, 'water...

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Pause before you respond

I once had this habit of responding to any question a nanosecond after the person stopped speaking (or sometimes, even before that). Maybe, I was afraid of a pause between the question and my answer. Yet, there is nothing more pleasing to our ears...

Just play your cards well

Think of someone you really, really envy. It could be anyone -- a billionaire, a film star, a Nobel laureate, or even a Buddhist monk. Have you thought of a person? Now, would you swap your life for theirs? If yes, here is the deal: You get all...

The trap of external validation

I know an ex-civil servant, who joined three political parties with diametrically opposite ideologies, to end up in one of the highest positions in government. So why do people do that? Do their political convictions change so fast? Are they so...

Stop planning, start doing

I have seen people adopt two distinct approaches when they want to start meditating: Approach 1: Sit down and meditate. Approach 2: Research lots and lots of meditation techniques (and do nothing). In fact, this holds for everything in life. If you...

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