There is nothing you can’t get better at. But conditions apply.
For any kind of learning, be it a physical or a mental skill, our neurons have to rewire — it is called neuroplasticity. Our neuroplasticity is extremely high in pre-teens and remains quite high till age 25.
After 25, neuroplasticity declines but it does not go to zero — it can still happen under one condition: focused attention.
That is why focus is so critical for learning, be it tennis or statistics.
So is focused attention enough? No, there is another part to the puzzle — deliberate practice.
The idea of deliberate practice is quite simple — set specific and narrow learning goals, which are above your current skill level. Then design a practice routine only to achieve those specific goals.
E.g., if a swimmer wants to improve their feet movement, the practice should be focused on that — not on just doing more and more swimming.
So here is the recipe to improve any skill: Focused attention + deliberate practice.
– Rajan