The efficiency paradox

During my days at McKinsey, I once asked a retired senior partner about life before PowerPoint. How did they make presentations to clients?

He said that they used to create presentations on big chart papers using felt-tip pens. They would have to write in big font, find the right images, and finally, use glue to put it all together. It was quite a task!

With a smirk, I thought that what took them a whole day, we could do in an hour, thanks to PowerPoint.

But if we were so efficient, you’d think we had more time on hand, right? We should have been working fewer hours and taking life easy. Nope. We were busier than ever.

And I imagine that today’s consultants would be even more busy.

So as we get more efficient, the expectations only seem to be going up.

With the AI revolution, things will only get crazier, and it raises the question: how can we find time for mental health, family, hobbies, and passions without compromising our jobs or career growth?

Here is the 5-step solution I shared in one of my newsletters:

– Rajan

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