Today morning, I woke up feeling a slightly toxic mix of sickness, low mood, and light anxiety. I guess, my Covid recovery is slower than I expected. Even the morning meditation didn’t help much – my mind was too fragmented. So I went for a walk. But instead of just...
How To Be Free
Rousseau said, “Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.” In this newsletter, I want to talk not about socio-political freedom, but something deeper – the freedom to choose how we live. Today, you live carrying a heavy burden. So do I. This burden is the...
How to deepen your meditation practice?
I recently read ‘The Attention Revolution,’ a book by Alan Wallace, in which he guides you through 10 stages of tranquility meditation leading to such mastery that you meditate for up to 4 hrs, with practically zero distractions. Even if we can reach the first 3 or 4...
Should we seek work-life balance?
This question is controversial – hence worth talking about. Let us start by dissecting it further. When we talk about balancing work and life, we assume that they are in conflict – that one of them comes at the cost of the other. And somehow, we need to find that...
How to become insanely good at anything
The solution might sound straightforward: Practice, practice, and more practice. But not so fast. It does not work that way. To convince you, let me share a personal experience. My daughter started playing the violin in 5th grade. When kids start practicing, what...
How to break out of a rut
I don’t know if you have ever been in a rut but I have. There was this one particular year in school, which I totally whiled away without studying. It was not that I was caught up in some bad habits or delinquent behavior, but somehow, I could just not break my...
Here is a simple way to create happiness every day
When writing this newsletter, the first thing I did was to switch off my phone. Once I let my team know that my phone was off, I now had only one thing to do – write with complete focus. But why am I doing this? Just for productivity? Not really. Productivity is a...
How to learn effectively
I am doing a 5-course specialization on Coursera and I finished almost 6 weeks' worth of material in 3-4 days. Impressive, no? Actually, not – in fact, I am regretting it. Initially, I was jotting down the key points and recapping as I learned. But I was in such a...
The neuroscience of addiction and why we get addicted
Neurosciences of addiction and why we get addicted. Are you addicted to something? Check out these techniques.
How to overcome fear
Learn how to overcome your fears. Are you afraid of public speaking or have a deep-rooted phobia? We have some tips that can help you.
How to stop sabotaging ourselves and other lessons
It is all about how we think about things. Learn how to stop sabotaging yourself and others with this story.
How to be consistent in building habits – here is what I found
Consistency comes not from some ‘iron-will’ personality trait, but from a system, which I am going to share with you today. Follow that system and you can stay consistent indefinitely.
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Rajan shares insights from his own life journey to help you build better habits in yours.