In Aug 2009, when I quit McKinsey, I was on the verge of collapsing with stress. I needed a break, and hence, I joined an investment fund where life was completely chill. Suddenly, I had no more daily deadlines or hourly deliverables. I could finally breathe. I felt...
How I broke free from a 10-year rut (use it to change your life in 2025)
My 10 years of darkness In 2007, when I joined McKinsey as a consultant, outwardly, this was the peak of my life professionally. I had just gotten a job in New York that was a dream for most MBAs. Yet, I was struggling and literally in pain. My health was in shambles...
How to succeed with laser-like efficiency, not mindless slog
2024, Newsletter, Uncategorized
A few weeks ago, I spoke to a retired CFO of a large Indian company who recently launched his consulting business. And he told me something that made me think. He said, “When I started my consulting business, I accepted any client – big or small. So our client base...
The one tip you need for success without pain
2024, Newsletter, Uncategorized
Around 2012, I was running a startup called CourseBrew. One late evening, sitting in a coffee shop with my friend Vivek, I explained to him all the different parts of the online learning platform I was building – it was a laundry list of 10-15 different things. He...
You Should Avoid This Mistake That Nearly Bankrupted Me
The Beginning of My Entrepreneurial Journey In 2012, when I quit my last job to become an entrepreneur, I didn’t know exactly what I would do except for a vague notion that it would be something in education. But as soon as I launched my startup, the clock started...
What is the path to career and financial success?
A. THE MYSTERY OF EFFORTLESS SUCCESS In my college days, the people that really annoyed me were the all-India top rankers. These guys beat us by a mile in the entrance exam, even though we tried so hard. But there was one consolation – they surely slogged 18 hours a...
My journey to zero and back – how to recover your self-confidence after setbacks
In 1991, I entered the IIT Kanpur campus loaded with confidence and zest. And then, we had our first quiz in which I got a big zero. That too, in Physics – my favorite subject. Sadly, that zero also summarizes my four years at IIT. 😊 By the time I was in my final...
The secret that will help you crush the hardest tasks
The Shockley Story: A Lesson in Focus William Shockley was on his way to winning the Nobel Prize. But he nearly lost it. And here is why you should care. Shockley, along with two fellow scientists, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain, were working on inventing the...
You won’t believe why >50% people are unproductive
A. WHAT HAPPENED More than 500 people applied for a pilot we recently launched for our upcoming program called “Zen Productivity.” And in the application, we asked this question: “Please describe the obstacles that come in the way of your productivity.” And do you...
Can you make 2024 the year of real change? Yes – avoid these 6 traps.
Wish you a very happy new year. 🙂 You probably want to make 2024 different. But haven’t we tried that in the past? How can this year be different? Here is my simple answer – this time around, avoid the usual traps we keep falling into every year. Just do that, and you...
You can’t be 50% disciplined: A story of how to change your life
When General Norman Schwarzkopf led the US Army's invasion of Iraq in 2003, you would imagine that he would be talking about tanks, planes, tactics, and battle plans. Instead, he said, 'Shined shoes save lives.' Is it not weird? A guy whose job is to defeat Saddam...
The sure shot path to long-term goals – make everything a process
Over the last 4 years, I have written about 2,000 pieces on LinkedIn and Quora. And while writing may not be your thing, over your lifetime, you will surely have big goals that will require a multi-year effort. So how does one maintain years of consistency? Let me...
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