In early 2009, I attended a townhall at McKinsey. This was just a few months after Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy, and the US was still in the midst of a horrible recession. The partners running the meeting assured us that all was well – in fact, McKinsey did not lay off...
LinkedIn Posts
Conventional Wisdom
In the 2nd year of my MBA at Wharton, I asked a finance professor for advice on landing a job with a private equity fund. When he learned that I had only worked as a cop, he told me bluntly – “With your background, it will be very difficult.” I was dejected but since...
Margin-free shop
Once, while driving in Trivandrum City, I saw a shop with a big banner: 'Margin-free shop’. Presumably, they don't keep any profit margin. On seeing that, you almost get the feeling that 'profit' is a dirty word. In fact, my daughter even asked, "What’s wrong with a...
Straightforward path
Yesterday, I picked up a small rock lying on the road, and it is now sitting on my table. How much will you pay for it? Probably nothing. But what if you believed that someone else would pay 20 rupees for that rock? Now, you might happily shell out 10 rupees. So that...
Opportunity for gaining experience
From the many 180 degree turns I have made in my career, the one big lesson I have learned is this: Life is to be experienced, not optimized. Life has no objective function to be maximized – it is not a calculus problem. It doesn’t have a destination that we need to...
You can’t lose a game you never played. Then why do we compare ourselves with others, whose lives we never lived? When we get caught up in the comparison game, we forget – everybody has different starting points, different life constraints, and different objectives. A...
High-happiness startup
I am NOT building a high-growth startup. Instead, I am building a “high-happiness” startup – more happiness for our team, as well as for our customers. Not having to chase ‘growth at any cost’ sets you free. We get away without doing any push marketing. We never had...
Living in the present moment
Some days I feel optimistic and charged up. Other days, not so much. Does it matter? Not really. You do what has to be done. Some days, you do it with enthusiasm and flourish. Other days, it feels like drudgery, but you still do it. We can’t wait for the right mood...
Once, when I was working at McKinsey, someone said to me, “You are an introvert, right?” It was an innocuous comment but I almost felt like he was making an accusation – I could feel my defensive barriers going up. I said, “You are also an introvert, aren’t you?” He...
Rarely has anything good has come out of my life without an intense, 6-12 month slog. So it may seem like I lived a miserable life, gritting my teeth to push through the slog. Yet, the reality was quite different. I was always super-motivated and rarely had to dip...
During my MBA, whenever I asked my classmates about their past jobs and internships, most would invariably start with, “Oh, it was amazing!” Then as you probed further, they would often sheepishly confess that it actually wasn’t THAT great. And in some cases, those...
Unreasonable people
During my first stint in the IPS as an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP), one day, an IGP (Inspector General) called me, directing me to release a bus I had seized for violating some rules. In the uniformed forces, saying ‘no’ to your boss is very hard – almost...
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