Why multitasking destroys focus

Years ago, I had a young colleague who would steal a glance under the table at his WhatsApp every minute or two. Today, that behavior has gone mainstream — many of us work with constantly buzzing notifications from apps like Slack and Microsoft Teams. In this...

Tools can’t replace competence

You (and I) are in danger. Right now, LinkedIn is flooded with tools, templates, and hacks, especially after chatGPT. And to be sure, many of these tools have great value. They will make you faster and more efficient. But we might assume that these tools can replace...

The price of privilege

In some ways, King Charles is quite lucky — he has unimaginable wealth, privilege, and status (for no fault of his). But would you or I want to be in his position? He has to spend much of his life doing meaningless ceremonial stuff. Having endured a little bit...

Complacency kills

During my summer internship recruiting at Wharton, there was only one consulting job interview I bombed. And it also happened to be the easiest one. Here is what happened. I was interviewing with a partner at Booz Allen Hamilton, a well-known consulting firm. The...

Why jaw-drops don’t happen in consulting

After my MBA, when I joined consulting, I imagined that we would solve complex business problems, and finally, when we presented our solutions to the clients, their jaws would hit the floor. As it turned out, that jaw drop never happened. In fact, in the world of...