Age is not a barrier to learning

In 2008, while looking for a job, I met this big shot in Mumbai — tall, handsome, and extremely articulate, this Ivy League graduate was a top leader at one of India’s biggest business conglomerates. At that time, I was urgently looking to move back to India due...

The journey of growth

When we started HabitStrong, our first month’s revenue was less than my one day’s salary when I was working. Every journey starts small. Don’t mistake the size of the seed for that of the tree. Keep compounding, keep growing — be at it. One day, you will...

Happiness within

After crossing the finish line of my first half marathon, I came across this guy who had completed the run barefoot, and that too in just over 1.5 hrs. This was fantastic timing for any amateur — much better than mine, for sure. Post-run, my friends and I were...

Free elf

When I was working as a consultant, I longed to see the sunset, but I couldn’t. We rarely got out of the office before 11 pm — often much later. And even after that, my journey back home was long — a cab ride from New York, followed by picking up my car...