Five embarrassing experiences

A colleague of mine bullied us into sharing five embarrassing experiences for a New Year event. I thought I might as well share them publicly – so here they are: 1. When I first tasted a martini (at the kitchen counter of my aunt’s house in San Francisco), I...


When I took on my first major assignment in the police service – as the Police Commissioner of Trivandrum City – I got a lot of unsolicited advice. A common one was, “Be very careful! The politics is very dirty and many people will be out to get you.” Apparently, the...

Embracing Abnormality

When I landed at Wharton, the constant refrain I heard was – “MBA is all about networking. So build connections and make friends.” Academics and learning seemed to just be a sideshow. But unfortunately, as an introvert, I hated networking. Even while serving in the...


During my stint as an investor, once the CFO of an Indian conglomerate came to our office with his team. They were looking for funding since their businesses were not doing very well. During the discussion, just to see how clear their thinking was, I asked the CFO,...