Buffers: The key to productivity

This might surprise you. Do you know the one productivity hack that lowers our productivity and overwhelms us? Packing your calendar back-to-back with tasks and to-dos. I know it sounds quite ironic but let me explain using an analogy. Imagine that you want to...

Why we need to meditate

Why should we meditate? If it was truly beneficial, would evolution have not predisposed us to do that? After all, our ancestors in Savannah surely never meditated and they did just fine. Then why should we? The problem with this logic is that evolution optimizes for...

Relish the journey

The Bhagwad Gita’s principal message can be very confusing. It exhorts, “Do your duty, but do not concern yourself with the results.” So we are asked to not desire the end outcome. But how can we pursue goals without that? In fact, the Buddha also echoed a...