by Rajan Singh | Dec 14, 2023 | LinkedIn Posts
One of my best friends had joined the 5-year MSc Physics program at IIT Kanpur. He loved physics but his parents were very unhappy with his decision. They considered a science degree sub-par even though the physics program at IITK was highly coveted. They wanted their...
by Rajan Singh | Dec 13, 2023 | LinkedIn Posts
I am not always excited about building my startup. But does that mean I am not motivated? Of course, I am. Motivation is not the same as excitement. Excitement is a temporary feeling that changes hour to hour. Motivation is the steady, underlying desire to achieve a...
by Rajan Singh | Dec 12, 2023 | Uncategorized
When I first thought of quitting my job, what troubled me the most was not the loss of salary but the loss of ‘business card.’ Till then, had someone asked me what I did for a living, I always had a good answer – “I work with a private equity fund.” Even prior to...
by Rajan Singh | Dec 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
During our induction training at McKinsey, a senior director once walked into our training room. To emphasize the importance of brevity in writing, he said, “When God gave his commandments to Moses, he needed only ten bullet points. And you are not even God! Why do...
by Rajan Singh | Dec 9, 2023 | 2023, Newsletter
When General Norman Schwarzkopf led the US Army’s invasion of Iraq in 2003, you would imagine that he would be talking about tanks, planes, tactics, and battle plans. Instead, he said, ‘Shined shoes save lives.’ Is it not weird? A guy whose job is...