Choose things that are right for you

You don’t have to hustle — if you don’t want to. There is no law of nature that says — “Everyone in the world has to hustle all the time.” No doubt, hustle has value. But there are a lot of things in the world that have value...

Treat People Fairly

In my B-school course on ‘Negotiations’, we were split into groups of two and given a $10 bill each.  The person who got the $10, had to split it with his partner in whichever way he wanted. If the partner agreed to the proposal, they got to keep the $10. ...

Progress Over Perfection

The writer who produces the perfect first draft, produces nothing. The entrepreneur who ‘makes sure’ that his first startup is a unicorn, never starts. The person who ‘makes sure’ that everything he does is perfect, does nothing. There is no...

Optionality Hinders Action

I write nearly every day. And I have done it for years. Because in my mind, writing is not optional. It is something I do on good days and bad, on busy days and idle days. Most importantly, I do it whether I feel like it or not. If something is optional, our mind will...

Hardship Fuels Change

Had it been left to me, I suspect I would probably still be sitting on my 1st-year electrical engineering courses without completing them. Ok, I am exaggerating a bit. But without the external pressure of exams and getting a degree, few of us would voluntarily go...