Productivity is not a race

Productivity = Doing the maximum no. of to-dos in the shortest time. Wrong. This is a seductive but nonsensical idea. Every day, ideally, only one or two things should be your real priorities — these have to be done at any cost. E.g., my priority today is to...

Technology is a tool and you are the master

The biggest problem with WhatsApp is that it is neither synchronous nor asynchronous. In a synchronous communication system, e.g., phone, when the call is over, the matter is over — you don’t have to keep checking your phone. In an asynchronous system like...

Action beats rumination

I have often seen people say, “I have no regrets.” Sadly, I am not like them. I have a lot of regrets, big and small. In fact, I find regrets unavoidable. After all, as long as you live, you will make mistakes and do stupid things. That is what life is....

Love for hard things is the secret

Most of your life will be spent doing three kinds of things: Category 1: Things you do because they are easy and fun. Category 2: Things you do even though they are hard. Category 3: Things you do BECAUSE they are hard. And here is my prediction: 90% of your success...

How to succeed in the workplace?

To succeed in the workplace (and even in your personal life), here are some things you should never say: 1. No offence. Why is this a bad idea: Saying ‘no offence’ after saying something offending is like slapping a person and saying, ‘No slap.’ It doesn’t make it any...