Embrace Mistakes, But Only Once

“A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.” — Mark Twain. We should learn from others’ mistakes. So in theory, we should be making very few mistakes, if any. But humans are humans. Sometimes, the only...

Parkinson’s law

I had to give a TEDx talk at IIM Ranchi but did not start working on the script until I had three days left. And I was not procrastinating. I was testing a new productivity idea — ‘doing things at the last responsible moment.’ When we have too much...

Change Yourself First

We all want to change the world, which is really hard. But we don’t want to change ourselves, which should be pretty easy. Why? Because changing the world is a fantasy. And fantasies feel good. On the other hand, for changing ourselves, there are no excuses we...

Time on Earth is limited

When I was learning meditation, I was utterly confused by all the contradictory information out there on blogs, YouTube, etc. So I tried reading the original text on Buddhist meditation (Satipatthana sutta). And the one thing that shocked me was ‘death contemplation’,...