by Rajan Singh | Dec 16, 2022 | Productivity, High-Performance, Flow
Earlier, I talked about how time management is a poor tool to deal with a workday that is spiraling out of control. You start each day planning to get multiple tasks done, but soon find yourself distracted by Zoom calls and meetings. Regaining control of your day...
by Rajan Singh | Dec 16, 2022 | LinkedIn Posts
During my stint with the Indian Police Service, I handled a ton of riots, violent mobs, and civil disturbances. When you keep doing that day-in and day-out, naturally, the whole routine becomes quite familiar. Despite that, I would try to never take anything for...
by Rajan Singh | Dec 15, 2022 | Productivity, High-Performance, Flow
Kanwaldeep Kahlon, a participant of our Deep Work & Flow bootcamp, finished the first draft of his book in just 4 weeks, a task which previously seemed impossible. He accomplished this with just one small change in the way he worked. During the HabitStrong deep...
by Rajan Singh | Dec 15, 2022 | LinkedIn Posts
Is a 20 kg rucksack too heavy? Probably yes, but only if you carry it on your back. If you put it down, it has no weight at all. The same goes for our worries. We often carry way too much burden in our heads. Why not put them down? But this sounds too simplistic...
by Rajan Singh | Dec 14, 2022 | LinkedIn Posts
Once, during my stint with McKinsey, an HR recruiter from the New York office once asked me if I could help shortlist a few resumes for interviews. The applicants were all from top B-Schools (Harvard, Columbia, MIT, Wharton, etc.) and every resume looked stellar. All...