Overcoming negative thinking

To overcome negative thinking, we must identify thought patterns that cause negative feelings, and replace them with more balanced and healthy ways of thinking. Negative thinking must be handled at 3 levels. Strategy: Handle negative thoughts at 3 levels To overcome...

Pushing Our Limits

About three times a week, I run 10 km in the morning. The distance feels just right to me — long enough to give a huge endorphin rush, but not so much as to cause any injury or pain. And I have happily been at this ‘10 km plateau’ for a long time. Not that I...

Passion comes from mastery

Before my MBA program started, Wharton sent us a self-assessment test on business and finance to see if we needed some extra classes to handle the course-load. While taking the test, I realized I didn’t even know the difference between revenue and profit —...

Understanding Negative Thinking

Our thoughts are affected by what we experience, during both good times and bad. It’s normal to feel low and think negative thoughts from time to time. But when negative thinking becomes your predominant nature, then it becomes cause for concern. Excessive negative...

Beliefs, Habits, Routines

Years ago, one Saturday evening, I went to Rockefeller University in New York City to witness a piano competition. To my untrained ears, each of the half-a-dozen performances I listened to, were equally mesmerizing. And yet, from all these virtuosos, only a few would...