Technique for finishing multiple tasks

Lately, I have started loving deadlines. Sounds crazy, I know. But let me tell you why. As the activity level at my startup (HabitStrong) has gone up, my to-do list has started looking scary. And when there is so much to do, we worry about ALL the things...

Hardening our mind to take decision

Whenever I go running in the morning, I face two choices – run on the road OR in a stadium. With Trivandrum’s undulating terrain, road running can be hard – the uphill stretches make you feel like your lungs are being torn apart. On the other hand, in the...

How To Be Free

Rousseau said, “Man is born free but everywhere is in chains.” In this newsletter, I want to talk not about socio-political freedom, but something deeper – the freedom to choose how we live. Today, you live carrying a heavy burden. So do I. This burden is the...