Completion Discipline

I am struggling.

In fact, in my startup life, I have always struggled — there is just too much to do and too little time. And to make things worse, every initiative seems important.

In such a situation, what do you do?

Quite often, the temptation is to do a lot of things simultaneously. And soon, you have five initiatives in progress — all partly done. It is like serving a dinner buffet with five dishes, all partly cooked.

Instead, the right answer lies in adopting a ‘completion discipline’ — pick one task and take it to the finish line. Now, instead of five half-cooked items, you have only one dish — but it is fully cooked.

And when you finish a task, it gives you a heady rush — a small dose of dopamine and serotonin in your brain makes you feel good and motivated, ready to do the next thing.

And that triggers a domino effect. Before you realize it, you would have achieved more than you imagined possible.

The only way to do ‘N’ things is to complete the one task you picked up and ignore the remaining ‘N-1.’ 

– Rajan

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