No matter how intelligent you are, one thing can screw up your rationality — ideology.
Because ideology presupposes the right answers. And these right answers will pervade every aspect of your life, be it your political, economic, or social beliefs.
Ideology is a package deal. And it demands that you accept the whole package — no cherry-picking.
So a hardcore Republican in the US, who feels pro-abortion or pro-LGBTQ, will have a tough time reconciling his beliefs.
Similarly, a communist who holds strong beliefs about economic equality, will accept political oppression, even though he may otherwise oppose it strongly.
When we hold ideas that seemingly conflict, it feels jarring (the technical name for that feeling is ‘cognitive dissonance’). It is like having ice cream with chicken curry — it just feels wrong.
So to resolve this conflict, we rationalize and brainwash ourselves into accepting the whole package. We suspend our good sense, our humanity, and our intuition.
That is how good people end up supporting cruelty, ethnic cleansing, racial discrimination, and civil rights violations.
Never accept any ideology unquestioningly. Be skeptical. Challenge everything.
Rational skepticism is the only defense against tyranny and oppression.
– Rajan