Everybody’s path is different

A few years ago, I was at IIT Kanpur to give a talk. As I was waiting for my event, speaking on the stage was a renowned entrepreneur who has built a multi-billion dollar company from scratch.

While he was talking, quite unexpectedly, the students started clapping. But not out of delight – bored and restless, they were signaling to the speaker to end his speech. College kids can be quite blunt 🙂

To be fair, the speaker was not very engaging or entertaining. But is it not surprising that such a successful entrepreneur is not a great speaker?

Not at all.

We often assume that successful people are good at everything, with great stage presence and charisma. Not true.

People can be amazing in all kinds of ways. Some people have huge grit and perseverance. Others are top-notch problem solvers. Yet others are outstanding deal makers and negotiators. But nobody is good at everything.

Sometimes, we may have to address our weaknesses if they come in the way. But much more often, success comes from using your strengths and honing them relentlessly.

Don’t waste your time trying to be like someone else. Stand out your way, by excelling at the things that come naturally to you.

You don’t have to be like others. Nor do they have to be like you. Everybody’s path is different.

– Rajan

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