Recipe for happiness

If you have wondered why some people seem naturally happier than others, here is what research says:

1. 50% of our happiness is genetic.

2. 40% of it comes from intentional activity — i.e., how we spend our time.

3. Only 10% comes from life circumstances — e.g., being born in a rich country, growing up in a certain type of family, etc.

We could quibble about these exact percentages but by and large, the underlying message is solid.

We can’t change our genetics — too bad. As a loser of this lottery, I personally know this since I rarely smile and have not been able to change that 🙂

But that is not our real tragedy.

Our real tragedy is that we obsess about that 10% while ignoring the 40%.

That 40% chunk of our happiness comes from how we spend our time. It could be going for treks, reading our favorite books, listening to good music, or helping other people — whatever you find meaningful.

That is also why people who find their work meaningful are so much happier.

Note that happiness is not about hedonism or pleasure, but about meaning. So spend your time wisely.

Here is a recipe for happiness (if there could be one!).

1. Cut down mindless scrolling and dedicate time to activities that can lead to flow. It could be hobbies, side projects, or even work.

2. Spend time with people you cherish and do it mindfully.

3. Go outdoors. Do intense activities that push your body and mind. There is no drug like sweating.

4. Cut down on the junk that degrades your life. It could be unhealthy food, jealous people, or watching too much OTT.

5. Read books. Learn new things. I know it sounds so boring, but this is the real deal.

I am by no means an expert on happiness. But these are some of the things that have helped me despite my poor genetics.

We don’t control our life circumstances. But nor do our life circumstances control us (fully). We have a choice.

So choose well.

– Rajan

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