Life will never be perfect

When I went to Ahmedabad, I was a bit frustrated about how difficult it is to maintain your fitness routine when traveling.

But I then remembered how Mr. Atul Karwal, my former training officer in the IPS, prepared for his Everest expedition right here in Ahmedabad – not in the Himalayas.

At that time, he was in a busy job as a Joint Commissioner of Police. Almost anybody would have given up since the Everest expedition requires extreme endurance and strength, for which people do intense treks and climbs. Where would you find the mountains in Ahmedabad?

So here is what he did.

A few times a week, after a full day’s work and dinner, he would put on a 25 kg backpack and walk the streets of Ahmedabad the whole night. In the morning, after a quick nap, shower, and breakfast, he was back at work.

To build his endurance, he would run up and down the stairs in the tallest building in Ahmedabad.

He did not wait for perfect conditions – he just improvised. Since he could not go to the Himalayas, he recreated the Himalayas in Ahmedabad.

Life will never be perfect. The conditions will rarely be ideal. But we don’t need any of that. All we need is willpower and a no-excuse mindset.

If you really care about your goal, you don’t need fancy technology, expensive gear, or the perfect weather – often, all you need is some ‘jugaad’ and grit.

PS: Mr. Atul Karwal was the first IPS officer to scale Mt. Everest. He heads the National Disaster Response Force and is one of the most inspiring people I have known.

– Rajan

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