Beyond Exam Charades

During the compulsory military training in Taiwan, recruits are seemingly trained with a singular objective – to pass the exams.

When practicing the bayonet drill, you practice a chant for each movement, which is what they will test for in the exam. But unfortunately, if China attacks, those exam marks are not going to help.

In fact, in a recent CNN news report, the recruits said that if a war broke out, they would be cannon fodder. Most of them don’t even know how to properly fire a basic rifle.

Whether it is Taiwanese military, your own organization, or your personal life – when passing an exam becomes the sole motivation, the whole thing becomes a charade.

Unfortunately, in our schools, colleges, and sometimes, even in corporate life, we keep doing these charades.

And everything looks great and everybody is happy, until ‘China attacks.’

– Rajan

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